我們的翻譯小天使又在我們需要她時又默默的出現了..噗..感謝呦... melody 阿計~^^
“The Love Suspect” has finished filming. It’s time to say good-bye. Thank everyone for their efforts. The greatest harvest from the movie is to make friends with him. He said I am his first Taiwanese friend. And he is my first Korean friend, too. We got the chance to cooperate with each other by virtue of the movie. Whenever it is before the camera or behind the camera, we got along well. Classmate Ju Jihoon, hope to see you again! Even the movie ended, friendship will never end.
souce from 徐潔兒SingingJill
「愛情嫌疑犯」已經殺青!又到了告別的時候。感謝所有人的辛苦付出!這部戲最大的一個收穫,就是交到了好朋友!他說我是他第一個台灣朋友,他也是我第一個韓國朋友!這部戲讓我們結緣合作,不論表演與相處都非常默契愉快!朱智勳同學,後會有期! Even the movie's ended,Friendship will never end!