英譯: 來自DVD 上的翻譯~
JJH: Who is it?
Q: Ji Hoon.
JJH: Hello
Q:How have you been?
JJH: I’ve been doing well.
Q:Did you prepare a lot?
JJH: Is there anything to prepare a lot?
Q:Your head must be cold.
JJH: Yes, it’s cold.
Q:Did you say goodbye to your parents?
JJH:Yes, I met them yesterday.
My friends came yesterday with something to eat.
They said I’ll want to eat things when I go to the army.
I’ve slept well, ate well, and now I am here.
Q:Where will we be going today?
JJH: We have to go to the 306 drafts at Uijeongbu.
I have to train there, and I don’t know what’ll happen next.
Q:Then is it the military drill from today?
JJH:As far as I know, we won’t train from the first day.
We will be returning our clothes to home,
And we will also have a body check-up again.
And then , we will be trained.
Alright, let’s go.
There’s a hole in this shoes.
Q:You look like a solider.
JJH: Really?
Thank you .
Can I see?
I don’t have hair.
It feels awkward.
JJH: Hello, I’m Ji Hoon.
You must be worried, but you don’t have to.
Everyone have to do this, and so I will do my best.
To finish by duties.
Be happy until then.
And I hope this vide could make you happy in any way.
I was really happy too.
I was very happy that I could meet you through a video like this.
I will try my best, and improve myself.
Before I come back again.
Take care until then.
Your mother called me.
RDW: Huh?
My mother knew that I was going today.
JJH:I’m so thankful.
I have to call your mother after a few months, to congratulate.
Duk hwan’s enrollment in army.
RDW: You caught me this time.
JJH:He’s going soon.
There’s not much time left.
RDW:I have to follow you .
JJH: I’ve said goodbye to all my friends.
Q:Does it feel realistic?
I don’t feel realistic now.
I think I’ll feel that when I go infront of the camp.
Yes, alright.
I am really going now.